All accepted (final) papers will be included in IEEE Xplore database, one of the most comprehensive interdisciplinary engineering databases in the world. Since the papers will be archived in the IEEE Xplore® System, your PDF file should comply with the IEEE rules.
IEEE PDF eXpress is a free, online service that allow conference authors to either convert their documents into compatible PDFs or to submit their own PDFs for compatibility testing. In order to prepare your PDF for ICT-DM’2015 submission, follow the instructions for using IEEE PDF eXpress.
Submission process
For each paper, a completed and duly signed IEEE Copyright Form must be prepared.
Viewable and printable versions of the IEEE Copyright Form can be find at the following address :
Each final version of accepted paper must be submitted together with an IEEE electronic copyright form to the following email address:
You will need to submit: the final pdf version of your paper, the completed IEEE Copyright Form, and a zipped file containing the source(s).
At least ONE author of each paper must register at a non-student rate by September 07, 2015.
During the registration process, please enter the paper ID of the paper you will cover with your non-student registration.
IEEE No Show Policy
IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.